Rory Seabrook, MD - Build Circle


Maximising Business Potential with Generative AI - A Leadership Perspective.

How do you accelerate growth with Generative AI adoption and integration? Explore practical strategies, actionable steps and ethical considerations from a leadership perspective. (7 min read)

Let’s be honest. As business leaders, we continually face the challenge of staying ahead of the curve, no matter our industry.

As the head of Build Circle, a technology consultancy that helps organisations scale their data, engineering, and AI capabilities, I witness the transformative potential of Generative AI (GenAI) daily. I talk with CEOs and founders eager to accelerate growth through AI and leaders keen to uncover valuable AI use cases.

However, I see many organisations struggle with common challenges like:

• Identifying high-value use cases for AI adoption

• Integrating AI seamlessly with minimal disruption to BAU

• Managing governance, security and ethical concerns

• Practical elements of navigating the complexities of the AI production path

Does that sound familiar?

In this article, I’ll address these common challenges and illustrate how GenAI can be a significant driver in increasing business value for an organisation.


Use the contents menu below to choose, or save, what you’d like to read about first.

Identify Your AI Advantage and Pinpoint High-Impact Use CasesBeyond the AI Hype - Integrate AI Seamlessly for Real ResultsAI's Non-Negotiable Ethics - Governance and Risk MitigationBalancing the Benefits and Challenges of AI ImplementationFrom Concept to Reality - Navigating the AI Production Path with ConfidenceThe AI-Powered Customer - Delivering Exceptional Experiences at ScaleBuild for the Future - The AI goalKey Steps to Developing a Long-Term AI StrategyGet The Technology Consultancy Support You NeedTalk To Us_

Identify Your AI Advantage and Pinpoint High-Impact Use Cases

The first step in leveraging Generative AI is determining, and understanding where it will have the greatest impact. This is a common challenge but one of the most important to navigate early on in your AI exploration.

It’s not just about adopting the latest technology; it’s about finding the right applications and identifying high-value opportunities that align with your business objectives.

For example, you need to analyse and understand large amounts of data for a new project: Generative AI can transform complex data sets into actionable insights, helping you uncover trends (at speed!) and make informed strategic decisions about how to move forward.

By focusing on areas with the potential for substantial ROI, you can ensure that your AI investments are both effective and efficient.

Beyond the AI Hype - Integrate AI Seamlessly for Real Results

Understandably, integrating GenAI into your existing systems and workflows without disrupting BAU operations can seem like a challenge - and it's a concern that many organisations face.

You might have worries over compatibility with current software and hardware, team capabilities and resources, and potential downtime or malfunctions during the transition period.

The key is to make sure that your plans for adopting AI technologies not only fit into your current processes but also boost overall efficiency.

Sourcing technical support from tech consultancy services can also help mitigate apprehensions before embarking on AI projects.

Project roadmaps and detailed support will give you the confidence that integration can be done without disruption - meaning you can fully experience the benefits of AI while keeping your business running smoothly.

Case Study - Maintaining BAU During AI Integration

This case study is a prime example of how Build Circle's solution to help a Neobank maintain consistency and compliance within the highly regulated banking industry, was integrated effortlessly into the bank's existing development practices, ensuring minimal disruption and maximum adoption.

Read the full case study:

Automated ADR Integration: Streamlining Development and DevEx at a Neobank.

AI's Non-Negotiable Ethics - Governance and Risk Mitigation

When dealing with any powerful tech like Generative AI, managing the associated risks responsibly is an absolute must. Establishing guidelines for ethical and safe AI implementation is essential for any sort of sustainable innovation in business.

This involves protecting data privacy, addressing biases in AI models, and keeping AI-driven decisions transparent. Customers are also increasingly aware of and concerned about the ethical use of AI - if a company is perceived as unethical, it can severely damage its reputation and brand.

You’ll need to make sure to follow industry regulations and policy considerations specific to your field. By setting up robust governance frameworks and following industry standards, you can take advantage of GenAI’s benefits while avoiding potential issues and ensuring adherence to regulations.

With these measures in place, you can confidently leverage AI to drive your business forward.

Read more on responsible and ethical AI integration:

Ethical Generative AI - The Importance of Responsible Technology Integration.

Balancing the Benefits and Challenges of AI Implementation

While Generative AI offers incredible advantages, we need to talk about the challenges that come with it.

Understanding these hurdles can help businesses better prepare and navigate the AI adoption journey. This step is a key factor in becoming AI-ready as an organisation.

High Initial Investment and Ongoing Costs

Let's be real - implementing AI can be expensive. From developing and training models to integrating them into your existing systems, the initial financial outlay can be substantial. And it's not just a one-time cost; ongoing maintenance, updates, and scaling can continue to strain budgets. It's important to carefully plan your budget and understand the long-term financial commitment when planning your AI projects.

Data Quality and Availability

AI systems rely heavily on data. However, if the data is incomplete, biased, or of poor quality, the AI's predictions and outcomes will be off the mark. Ensuring you have access to high-quality, relevant data is critical. This might mean investing in robust data management practices or even rethinking how you collect and handle data within your organisation.

Skill Gaps and Workforce Readiness

One of the biggest challenges that often gets overlooked is the skill gap. AI implementation requires expertise in machine learning, DevOps and AI automation - skills that might not be readily available within your current team.

Many organisations face challenges in recruiting and retaining such talent. Existing employees may likely need training to adapt to new technologies and workflows, which can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. It’s a big ask, but it's essential for success.

Resistance to Change

Change is hard, and AI can disrupt established workflows and processes, leading to potential resistance from your team. Concerns about job displacement, changes in job roles, and fear of the unknown can create a barrier to AI adoption or just general uncertainty about the new technology.

It’s important to address these concerns head-on with transparent communication and training programs. Show your team the benefits of AI adoption and foster a positive attitude towards the development.

From Concept to Reality - Navigating the AI Production Path with Confidence

Bringing GenAI solutions from concept to market-ready products involves overcoming various technical and organisational challenges - a topic that frequently comes up in my conversations with leaders.

The journey requires a solid grasp of both the technology itself and the market landscape you’re working in.

Turning an initial idea for a GenAI solution into a market-ready product involves several critical steps.

Typically, CEOs begin with a concept that needs validation and refinement to make sure it addresses a genuine market need - which is an excellent foundation. Once the idea is clear, the next hurdle is developing a reliable AI model, which includes gathering, cleaning, and effectively training data.

After developing the AI model, the next crucial step is to rigorously test and validate it. This involves running simulations and pilot programs to assess how the model performs in real-world scenarios. Testing, iterating and validation are vital to confirm that the AI solution is not only functional but also robust and reliable before deploying it on a larger scale.

Do You Need Support?

To navigate these stages, you may find you need comprehensive support, including expert advice on strategy, technical assistance for model development and integration, and ongoing support to manage deployment and scalability.

With the right guidance, you can confidently bring AI concepts to life, creating successful and sustainable products.

More on navigating the path to production here - GenAI Services

The AI-Powered Customer - Delivering Exceptional Experiences at Scale

From my perspective, one of the most exciting uses of GenAI is in enhancing customer experiences. After all, without our customers, our businesses wouldn’t exist.

By personalising interactions and offering proactive support, GenAI can create seamless experiences that truly drive customer loyalty.

Imagine your AI system anticipating customer needs and providing real-time tailored solutions?

This level of responsiveness isn’t just about boosting satisfaction - it also builds your organisation a strong competitive edge in your market.

Infographic credit: Gartner CEO and Senior Business Executive Survey 2024.

Build for the Future - The AI goal

As business leaders, our goal is always to drive growth and create value for our organisations.

Generative AI offers us a powerful tool to achieve these objectives, provided it is implemented thoughtfully and strategically. By exploring and adopting AI tech for your organisation, you’re laying the groundwork for the future and what your business becomes tomorrow.

“86% of CEOs believe that this year and next, AI can help maintain or grow company revenue” - Gartner.

The annual Gartner CEO and Senior Business Executive Survey 2024 uncovered how leaders are reacting to the highly visible rise of AI, particularly GenAI - finding that CEOs are optimistic about the technology’s potential, but, ‘may not have a fully baked plan for realising its promises’.

This suggests that understanding exactly HOW Generative AI can be integrated into an organisation and WHAT that looks like in the real world is a topic that needs more attention.

Becoming AI-ready is a process that isn’t talked about enough - preparing your organisation for AI integration is a key step in driving future success and maximising the potential of your AI investments.

How you lay the foundations for your AI projects ensures that AI adoption is not only effective but also supports long-term success and growth.

AI-Readiness - Resource:

Understand how to assess your organisation’s AI readiness, integrate AI seamlessly into your business, and leverage AI for sustainable growth:

Becoming AI-Ready - A Comprehensive Guide for CEOs and Founders

Key Steps to Developing a Long-Term AI Strategy

1. Map out your AI journey ✅

Start by outlining a clear roadmap for AI adoption. Set both short-term and long-term goals, figure out what resources you'll need, and define key performance indicators (KPIs) to track your progress.

2. Find the right AI applications ✅

Look for AI opportunities that fit well with your business goals and market potential. Focus on projects that promise the biggest impact and are practical to implement.

3. Smart resource allocation ✅

Make sure you have the right budget, talent and technology to support your AI initiatives. This includes investing in the necessary infrastructure and training your team.

4. Set clear success metrics ✅

Establish KPIs to measure how well your AI projects are performing. Use these metrics to make informed, data-driven decisions.

5. Keep your strategy dynamic ✅

Regularly review and update your AI strategy to keep up with changing business needs, new technology, and market trends. Stay flexible and ready to adapt.

6. Stay ahead of the curve ✅

Keep up with industry trends and advancements in AI. Continuously refine and expand your AI capabilities to ensure your business stays competitive and grows sustainably.

Practical Roadmap for AI Integration and Adoption

To see an actionable GenAI action plan and a more in-depth look at generative AI integration with guidance and advice, download this practical roadmap as a playbook to get started.

Get The Technology Consultancy Support You Need

At Build Circle, we’re a technology consultancy specialising in AI, data and tech solutions, we support organisations in navigating the complexities of AI integration, from identifying high-value use cases to managing governance and risk.

Leveraging expertise from GenAI Services, you can experience, and understand the full potential of GenAI and position your organisation for long-term success.

If you’re curious about how GenAI can transform your business, I encourage you to explore its possibilities - harness this technology now to solve your biggest challenges and create new opportunities for growth.

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To learn more about Generative AI Services and what a technology partnership could look like for your business, contact my team and I here at Build Circle.

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